Why Work with Patrick?

Every time we meet, I strive to give you more value than could ever be expected.

As your discovery guide, I believe with every fiber of my being that my role is to see you, to hear you, and to help you discover every relevant possibility to help you move forward with whatever challenges you. I am here to contribute to your growth in the most compelling way possible. I will honor the person you are even as we define and explore who you wish to be.

I will help you discover the path toward the life you envision—a future you. DiscoveryPoint is my holistic and emergent process, set(s) of tools, and exercises that I have cultivated over many years to guide you towards actionable discoveries. I ensure each of our meetings is a step forward towards your new life. By working with me, you are letting me be your rock and an important part of the foundation for your transformation.

If you have any questions at all, please contact me at anytime. I would love to hear from you.

How to Work with Patrick

If you are interested in working with me, please have a look at my F.A.Q., which answers questions about my availability and pricing. If you would like more information, please send me an email at patrick@discoverypoint.media.